It's not easy being green
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Another steroid course starts tomorrow.
Oh wait. No it doesn't! Because there are no more steroids! And no more chemo!
Treatment officially ended July 14 and we celebrated this past weekend with a small gathering for close family and friends.
We forgot to tell people not to bring gifts so Ari and Alison both received a few awesome new things. They now have cool legos and books and bubbles and toys and...
Frogs. 2 of them.
(I'm toad-ally not joking. This is a perfect way to toad-st the end of treatment. Because after caring for a kid with cancer for 2 years, everyone wants to care for 2 baby frogs.)
Let me introduce you to Kermit and Hermit.
The little guys sleep all day and party all night. (Sorta like a newborn baby...remind me never to do that again.) They eat crickets, they take baths, and they like a daily shvitz in their sauna. And their scent...well, let's just say, it makes me want to croak.
Frog's legs recipes anyone?
I'm kidding. These guys are pretty fly. But I gotta get going...breakfast today at Ihop.