Dirty World
Friday, March 28, 2014
We brought home a lot of stuff from Disney World.
Ari got a toy monorail, Alison got a glittery Little Mermaid doll, and Matt got 4 pairs of jeans (don't ask). The kids came home with crayons in the shapes of dolphins, Mickey stuffed animals, board games, tiaras, hats, and key chains. We purchased lots of pictures to remember the smiling faces and to capture the moments of pure joy and excitement.
Oh, and we got something else. It was a unique memento from the trip. I'm not sure if it came from the airplane or from It's a Small World or from the Moroccan restaurant in Epcot. But Alison was the one who brought it home. Then she gave it to me. I passed it along to my parents. And because we try to teach the value of sharing, I have now handed it over to Ari.
We all have the yuckiest little virus ever. High temp, bad cough, and general feeling of malaise. Alison and I are finally feeling better. Ari is just starting to show symptoms. Luckily his counts are high, so although he will need to go in daily for IV antibiotics (because even though we are 99% certain he has the same virus, they need to be 100% sure he does not have an infection), he will not be admitted to the hospital. So we're home, jacked up on Tylenol and Gatorade, and still thinking about the fun we had at the Germiest Happiest Place on Earth.
"Look Mom, I made Cinderella's Castle with my fruit leather..."
Dum-bo-nus of our trip. Let's hope Ari is better tomorrow-land.
(Ok. I really struggled with an ending. Forgive me. I'm sick!)