Hair we go again
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Have you seen Ari's hair lately?
Well, take a good look now or you may miss it. Because it's falling out. Again.
Yeah so I'm slightly annoyed. And sad. And I may or may not have been sobbing when I called the doctor yesterday to ask if it is normal. And it is. We have been warned for months that this would probably happen. "Chemo attacks rapidly growing cells." And hair falls into that category.
So sayonara thick blond beautiful hair. Hello pity looks. I haven't missed you.
Count down to Disney World 3 1/2 days. I can't wait. The to-do list is long and I'm slightly overwhelmed: Laundry, pack, shave legs, and get Ari a hair cut. Oh wait, scratch that last one off the list. Phew - one less thing to do.
See I always look on the bright side.
Hair today, gone tomorrow.

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