What's your name?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Ari is a chatterbox. Though 97% of his babbling is incomprehensible, the other 3% is both fascinating and thrilling to hear! He picks up new words every day and repeats things said to him. Now, to be accurate, none of his words sound...well...accurate, but I know what he's saying. He points to a zipper and says "zzzz", he looks at a light and say "iiiit", and whenever Matt is around, he wants to be near "Da." And, I have to admit, hearing him call for "Ma...Ma" when I walk out of the room makes my heart swell with happiness.
But a few days ago, he said something that sounded very familiar. He said it over and over again. I listened carefully, but couldn't quite decipher his slurred speech. What was he trying to say? Hardy? Party? Malawi?
Or wait a sec, could he be saying what I think he's saying?
(Watch this video with an open ear mind. Humor me.)
Uh huh. He's saying ARI. That's my boy.

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