Day 23
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I love Tupperware. It seems no matter how much I buy, I'm always in need of more shapes, more sizes, more tops, or more bottoms. Please don't give me a hard time for this, but I'm not the most environmentally friendly Tupperware owner...not on purpose, but rather due to laziness. I've been known to toss the little plastic containers when food inside is extra stinky or moldy or if I'm on-the-go or have too much other stuff to carry.
As bad luck would have it, I made one stop en route to the doctor's office on Monday, June 4th. That morning, I noticed I was running low on ziploc containers, so Ari and I made a quick trip to the local grocery store to buy 3 containers of containers. They must still be in the trunk of my car. I wonder if I still have the receipt, because I'm never going to need to buy the little to-go dishes ever again.
Thanks to incredible friends who bring us meals around the clock, we are now fully stocked with squares and rounds, bigs and littles, casseroles and cupcakes, and even the tiny dressing sized cups. We've already made a few trips home to drop off bags of plasticware, but if you take a look around our room, you'll find a heck of a lot of tupperware.
Under normal circmstances, I'd be pretty stoked to have all of this to add to my pantry. But, in this case, I can contain my excitement.
Daily update:
No news is good news on a day like today. Tomorrow morning is a CT scan (which means no food after midnight... aka...torture) and then a lot of waiting til Tuesday's bone marrow biopsy. (Let's call it BM for short.) We are trying to not overthink the test or let ourselves imagine worst case scenarios, but it's not an easy task.
In the meantime, we're going for walks, coloring pictures, looking for the Robot (will explain another day), and taking the wrappers off dum-dums. And of course, eating.
Say cheese...

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