Alison Beth
Monday, September 10, 2012
I hadn't pulled an all-nighter since college.
But since my scheduled Friday 8am induction did not begin until 11pm (long story for another day), I stayed up later than I have in years. And at 4:57am on September 8th, out popped (literally, there was not a push involved... c'mon, I deserved it) the newest little Goldwasser.
I forgot how hungry little babies can be but tiny 6 pound 8 ounce Alison Beth quickly reminded me. Lucky for both of us, the food at the hospital was surprisingly delicious so after we settled in our room and I regained feeling in my bottom half, we shared a meal.
She started with some fruits and veggies:
Indulged on a cookie (pulling an all nighter takes a lot of energy and she needed some sugar and fat):
And then she got a little silly with the craisins. I told her this wasn't politically correct but she didn't listen:
There's nothing better than a good meal and good snooze after a night of boozin'. Or, in this case, epidural-in'. And oxytocin-in'.
Welcome to the world Alison!! Big bro Ari couldn't be happier.
How it all went down:
We moved into our new home last Tuesday.
We took Ari in for what was supposed to be his final in-patient stay last Wednesday. His counts still were not high enough to begin the next phase. We met with the docs and came up with a plan to have me induced on Friday so that we could be home on Sunday and then Ari could be admitted Monday (today). So far, all has gone according to plan. Matt is currently at the Dana Farber with Ari. Text message from Matt just received which says "counts very high, ready to rock" so Ari will be admitted today for a "2-5 day" stay in the hospital. I am at home with the baby but will leave her with grandparents for a few hours daily to go in and be with Ari.
Ideal? Of course not. Do-able? Has to be.
The good news: Very easy delivery. Very sleepy baby. Home big enough for all of our stuff! And, I can once again see my feet.
The just-got-to-deal news: Matt and I are apart. I think he has the harder job this week and I wish I could be at the hospital to help with Ari, to be there in the middle of the night, and to reassure my little guy that everything is fine and he will get through the next few days. (Fingers crossed only a few days! I once again ask everyone to do an Ari dance and hope for minimal side effects and an easy week.)
The just-got-to-deal but hardest part of this news: Ari's super healthy and happy self is going to get a bunch of toxic drugs pumped through him. He's going to feel sick. And he'll be upset. And he won't understand why he's in the hospital. And then 10 days from now, his counts will all once again be depleted and then we just hope for no fevers or infections that could land him back in the hospital.
And we do it with a newborn... a very cute and small one.
Thanks for the continued support and love. It means the world to all of us.

JulieSue, you're my hero. Seriously. Erin (Hammer) Feldman
Congrats.julie matt and ari. We are so happy for you and wish we were still neighbors.
Jon lorri max and amelia
Miss you guys! Move here!!
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