Donate your "Play"-telets
Sunday, February 17, 2013
From October 2010 - June 2011 BC (before cancer), Ari had a class or activity every day of the week. There was gym class, music class, Aquarium class, playgroup, and more. I relied on these activities for his fun and learning and socialization. Plus, we had memberships to every museum in the city and we visited them quite often.
Since June, Ari hasn't been able to go to any of these classes or crowded germy spaces. But this past Friday, the stars aligned... Ari was feeling good and had high counts and so we made a guest appearance at his old music class. And he had a blast!
It was wonderful to see him singing and dancing and banging on the drums. But every time I heard a kid cough or a mom sniffle, I wanted to run out of the room as fast as possible. It was the motivation I needed to (finally) start a playgroup for kids with cancer or compromised immune systems.
That's right, we'll be putting the "play" in platelet this Spring 2013.
And I need your help. Would you be willing to donate your time, energy, skills, and fun for an hour? Or, do you know someone who would want to volunteer?
I'm looking for volunteers who would be willing to lead a 45 minute (or longer) activity with a small group of kids (ages 1-5). You can sign up once or you can sign up on an ongoing basis. I will offer 2 days a week for playgroup (Mondays and Fridays) but will only hold it if there is a volunteer to lead an activity and if enough kids sign-up. Kids will be able to sign up the week before (they will not need to sign up for the "class" so there will be an ever-changing roster of participants based on how kids are feeling and where they are in treatment.)
Volunteers can lead activities like arts and crafts, music, singing, drumming, story time, yoga, gym, puppet shows, clowns, dancing, cooking/baking, etc etc. An organized activity would be a great distraction for these kids and their families. OR, if you have a clean environment or outdoor location that the group could visit, that would work as well. (Field trip!)
In the beginning, we will hold playgroup in my home (either in the basement which is a big open space or the backyard or the sports field nearby.)
This is the link to sign up. Or, feel free to cut and paste and send to your friends who may be interested in volunteering.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
Thanks in advance!!

JS - What an amazing initiative. I will ask Louis's teachers for activity ideas.
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