Cool as a Cucumber

Friday, April 13, 2012

Most kids are picky eaters.  They mainly like carbs and candy.  Not my kid.  He likes green vegetables.  No joke.  So much, in fact, that I called the pediatrician to ask her what to do since there were a few weeks when he would only ingest broccoli and green beans and brussel sprouts.  Her response?  Take advantage of it.

His all-time favorite green veggie... the cucumber.  He'll take it raw or pickled.  Sliced thin or thick or speared.  Peeled or unpeeled.  And most commonly, in full form.  He'll just suck and slurp all day long.  (I know what you're thinking.  And no, he didn't get that from me.  That's why girls get married.)

Exhibit A:

It took him the entire shopping trip, but he successfully swallowed every bit of that Persian cucumber. 

He also likes to hold his cucumber while lounging.  (This he may, in fact, get from his daddy.)

Exhibit B:
Pretty good form, eh?

And finally, we have the little boy who thinks he's Moses.

Exhibit C: Check out my rod.  Go that way!

An old man stopped us to say, "that's a mighty fine cucumber you've got little boy."  (Sick-o.)  Ari giggled and offered the man a bite.  (Sick-o.)

I've learned to relish in the fact that Ari loves his veggies.  But maybe I should introduce him to celery instead?


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