Insider Trading
Friday, October 12, 2012
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Now is the time to buy stock in Hebrew National. There is currently high demand for the high sodium meaty goodness of the all beef hot dogs. With Ari on steroids, eating like a sumo wrestler with a major craving for franks, I anticipate the hot dog market (okay, maybe just my local market) to see some major action this week.
You think I'm joking? The 29-pounder ate 7 hot dogs yesterday...the full fat ones! So we bought as many packages as our refrigerator can hold. And we've already had to restock!
I don't think it's right to make fun of my son, especially this week (see below), but there's just one more thing I have to tell you about his hot dog addiction. He calls them...ready for cocks. I'm stumped because he can easily and clearly pronounce "hot" and "dog" but when he puts the two words together, and requests his new favorite food, he makes heads turn. He shouted this repeatedly at the apple orchard, at the hospital, and yesterday on a walk in the neighborhood.
Wait a sec, he's is going through radiation this week. It makes his cheeks red and head warm. Maybe he's not hungry? He could just be telling us how he feels...
Q: What do you call a hot dog with nothing inside it?
A: A hollow weenie!
Ari update:
The good news - Ari is still in remission. Results from this week's lumbar puncture and bone marrow biopsy showed no cancer cells in his blood, his spinal fluid, or his bone marrow. He continues to be disease free. This is, of course, the best and most important thing I can share. The doctors said they will not do another bone marrow biopsy again!
The icky news - Because leukemia cells are sticky little suckers who like to hide in the brain and spinal fluid, he is currently going through a not-so-pleasant phase of treatment. Without going into too many details, this phase combines daily radiation, twice-weekly lumbar punctures with intrathecal chemo, steroids, and 3 other kinds of chemo. Holy chemo cow. He is a cranky, nauseous, tired mess. And I don't blame him. We are one week down with one week to go, and then, we finally enter the phase of treatment which will take us through 2013 with waaay fewer trips to the clinic and much less medication running through his little body.
Since he has the weekend off, we will attempt to have some fun. But we'll bring hot dogs and ativan and a puke bag everywhere we go.
Some recent pics...

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