Monday, October 29, 2012
I love everything about birthdays. I love the cake, the presents, the cards, and the party. And most of all, I love to celebrate those I love.
But this birthday is different. There is no party with a bunch of friends. No farm animals or magic show or kiddie train. No goody bags. And no Party Favors cake.
And yet, this birthday is more special than any I have ever celebrated. It's Ari's 2nd birthday - the anniversary of the day he was born. And he is more alive than ever!
He is funnier, sillier, and more energetic than he was 5 months ago. He knows all of the colors. He counts to 10. He names every single kind of truck. He sings songs. He plays hide and seek. He points out makes and models of cars. He picks out his own clothing. He peels oranges. He tickles toes. He kisses his sister. He hugs his mommy. He sings shema with his daddy. He runs and jumps and dances and plays. He lives life to its fullest.
He is healthy. He is happy. And he is 2.
I will make a wish and blow out his candles. I won't tell you what it is, but it's the same wish I have made every day since June 4th. And so far, it has come true.
Happy Birthday Ari. May this day be as special as you are. And may you celebrate a hundred more birthdays.

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