5 days of steroids...
Monday, November 19, 2012
On the first day of steroids my Ari said to me,
"1 avocado sushi."
On the second day of steroids my Ari demanded of me,
"Two bowls of white rice and 1 avocado sushi."
On the third day of steroids my Ari shouted at me,
"Three plates of pasta, two bowls of white rice, and 1 avocado sushi."
On the fourth day of steroids my Ari violently screamed at me,
"Four scoops of PF Changs black bean chicken, three plates of pasta, two bowls of white rice, and 1 avocado sushi."
And on the fifth and final (hallelujah) day of steroids my no-longer-sweet Ari cried and screamed and yelled at and harassed me,
"Five salty pickles, four scoops of black bean chicken, three plates of pasta, two bowls of white rice, and 1 avocado sushi. (And chips. Hummus. Rice. French fries. Daddy's cheese. More avocado sushi. Now! Mommmmmmmy!! And milk! Move Mommy. No sit here. Fill up water cup. Go. Hungry. Fooood!!!"
No joke. Ari has consumed at least 15 avocado sushi rolls and 5 pounds of white rice over the last 5 days. He eats 30 times a day and 3 times throughout the night. And in between eating, he is a mean, cranky, agitated, tired, indecisive mess.
Steroids suck.
Only 1 1/2 more years of them.
Yup. Our new outpatient routine (which we naively believed would be a piece of cake) consists of a boatload of chemo and 5 days of steroids every 3-4 weeks. The chemo is no problemo. The steroids? Torture. But, if it keeps the cancer cells from returning, it's worth it. (But holy cow, it doesn't make these 5 days any easier.)
The good thing about these 5 days of misery? Ari is undoubtedly gaining weight. I'm excited for his weekly weigh-in and hope he continues to eat (just not this much) after today. I miss his cheeks (both sets).
Speaking of cheeks, look at this little girl...
Sorry I haven't written in so long; I simply have no time!
Oh, gotta go... I'm being summonded. "Rice, rice, rice, rice, rice, rice, mommmy riiiiiiice."

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