Monday, November 21, 2011
I have vivid memories from one childhood haircut.
Growing up in Texas, I was always jealous of the blonde, straight, long, beautiful hair of my classmates. (I'm no longer envious since I found my way out great products to tame my mane.) Side ponytails were in style and my pony was lopsided. I was determined to fix it. So I grabbed a pair of kitchen scissors and cut my side ponytail straight across with one big snip. Voila - one very cute and very even hairdo!
All was great 'til I took the ponytail holder out and found the left side of my hair 8 inches shorter than the right side. That day, I vowed never to let anyone but a professional cut my hair.
So what, therefore, was I thinking when I let a non-professional hairdresser cut Ari's beautiful baby locks for the very first time?
Well, I reasoned, my husband can change a tire, can unclog a toilet, can hang a chandelier, and can paint walls... he must be able to cut a toddler's hair!
Right, I wasn't thinking.
Now, in our defense, Ari was sporting a mullet. His gorgeous 'do had grown halfway down his back, was completely covering his ears, and beginning to hide his eyes.
Something had to be done.
So we gave him a bath, washed his hair, wrapped him in a towel, and while I held and fed him, the
Texturize? I should have known this was not going to end well. Looking back, we would have been better off with a flowbee. You remember this thing right?
When all was said and done, we had a gorgeous
And one beautiful little boy... with an unusally large forehead:
Sorry sweetie, it will grow back. And next time, we'll take you to Snip-Its.

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