Day 30
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
It's ironic...or coincidence...or just bad fate... that I originally thought we would be in the hospital for 30 days and then we would be free. And today is day 30 and it's July 4th - Independence Day.
We may not be "free", and Ari may be far from independent, but we made the most out of this summer celebration. Like you, we:
Wore goofy red, white, and blue attire:
Watched fireworks. Okay, we didn't. But Daddy and I will watch them on TV later tonight.
And we thought about how blessed we are to live in this country. We thanked our lucky stars (and stripes) to have access to incredible health care. We reflected on how much we love this land that's yours and ours. And most of all, we dreamed of Ari's bright future - saying the pledge of allegiance in school, travelling to NYC to see the Statue of Liberty and learning about his ancestors who arrived at Ellis Island, voting in elections (will he take after his mommy or daddy in party affiliation?), and most of all, having the freedom to speak his mind, make his own decisions, and practice religion. And of course, pursue happiness. (He truly deserves it.)
God bless America.

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